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Tailor Made Training (TMT)

TMT-projects are projects that are executed in cooperation with NUFFIC and are funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These projects are requested by for example businesses or institutions in developing countries. Depending on the request, NUFFIC asks one of their Dutch partners to develop a training programme. In these trainings, ATCI works together with local trainers and organisations. ATCI is one of NUFFICs partners and has already travelled to a variety of countries to provide TMT’s. 

Johan Hissink is one of the trainers who is involved with TMT’s. “The trainings usually consist of twenty to thirty trainees. These people can be from different parts of the production chain. We recently went to Mozambique to provide a training on food safety, which is important from the very beginning of the food chain. That was attended by a variety of people: from employees of a feed factory to those of a slaughterhouse.” 

Just like the courses at ATCI in Barneveld, these trainings are formed around the principle of Learning by Doing. “We usually implement a part in the training where the trainees have to train others. So after we go back to the Netherlands, the trainees organise their own training for their employees and colleagues. In that way, the knowledge spreads itself from there. Next to that, the trainings take place on locations that suit the purpose of the training.” In this way, the trainees not only gain knowledge about their field of expertise, but also learn ways to best transfer that knowledge. 

An example of this is a training on Poultry Production in Uganda, at the farm of an alumni of ATCI. Community workers from Congo travelled to Uganda to attend the training at Jeka Poultry Farm and got to see and experience the potential of poultry production in African conditions. Part of this training was also executed by another alumnus from Burkina Faso. “It does make it easier if we have a link with the people we will train. If it is for example an alumni that told the applicants to hand in their request at NUFFIC, we know that the trainees are really open to our input and that the alumni thinks it will be a good fit. And we also sometimes get these alumni involved with the trainings, which makes it even better.”

Aeres Training Centre International is internationally oriented in a lot of ways. Not only can people travel to Barneveld to follow a course in their field of expertise, the trainers at ATCI also travel to various countries to teach custom made courses. These are called Tailor Made Trainings (TMT). Read more about these trainings here.

Next to the regular TMT programmes, which consist of more short-term training, there are TMT+ trainings. “This means there is a bigger budget and it concerns a more long term collaboration. In most cases this is over a period of three years, in which we also welcome the trainees here to show them our way of working. And the second step is sending them back with the new impressions, so they can find out how they can improve their business or chain in general. After they inventoried their point of improvement, we travel to their country to support them with the adjustments and new ways of working.” 

If you are interested in applying for a Tailor Made Training, it is very important to have a clear idea on what the goal is you would like to achieve with it, emphasizes Johan. “Most of the time, the request that is admitted with NUFFIC, is send to us too before it is accepted. We can than consider whether is a good fit with our expertise, methods and our capacity. So we think it is very important that you are very specific about the problem you have, and how a TMT would help solve that. We need to have a starting point from which we can build a training that is specially fitted to their needs. That way, you can have the biggest impact, which is what we strive.”

Tailor Made Training (TMT)
Share knowledge all over the world

Aeres Training Centre International is internationally oriented in a lot of ways. Not only can people travel to Barneveld to follow a course in their field of expertise, the trainers at ATCI also travel to various countries to teach custom made courses. These are called Tailor Made Trainings (TMT). Read more about these trainings here.

Next to the regular TMT programmes, which consist of more short-term training, there are TMT+ trainings. “This means there is a bigger budget and it concerns a more long term collaboration. In most cases this is over a period of three years, in which we also welcome the trainees here to show them our way of working. And the second step is sending them back with the new impressions, so they can find out how they can improve their business or chain in general. After they inventoried their point of improvement, we travel to their country to support them with the adjustments and new ways of working.” 

If you are interested in applying for a Tailor Made Training, it is very important to have a clear idea on what the goal is you would like to achieve with it, emphasizes Johan. “Most of the time, the request that is admitted with NUFFIC, is send to us too before it is accepted. We can than consider whether is a good fit with our expertise, methods and our capacity. So we think it is very important that you are very specific about the problem you have, and how a TMT would help solve that. We need to have a starting point from which we can build a training that is specially fitted to their needs. That way, you can have the biggest impact, which is what we strive.”

TMT-projects are projects that are executed in cooperation with NUFFIC and are funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These projects are requested by for example businesses or institutions in developing countries. Depending on the request, NUFFIC asks one of their Dutch partners to develop a training programme. In these trainings, ATCI works together with local trainers and organisations. ATCI is one of NUFFICs partners and has already travelled to a variety of countries to provide TMT’s. 

Johan Hissink is one of the trainers who is involved with TMT’s. “The trainings usually consist of twenty to thirty trainees. These people can be from different parts of the production chain. We recently went to Mozambique to provide a training on food safety, which is important from the very beginning of the food chain. That was attended by a variety of people: from employees of a feed factory to those of a slaughterhouse.” 

Just like the courses at ATCI in Barneveld, these trainings are formed around the principle of Learning by Doing. “We usually implement a part in the training where the trainees have to train others. So after we go back to the Netherlands, the trainees organise their own training for their employees and colleagues. In that way, the knowledge spreads itself from there. Next to that, the trainings take place on locations that suit the purpose of the training.” In this way, the trainees not only gain knowledge about their field of expertise, but also learn ways to best transfer that knowledge. 

An example of this is a training on Poultry Production in Uganda, at the farm of an alumni of ATCI. Community workers from Congo travelled to Uganda to attend the training at Jeka Poultry Farm and got to see and experience the potential of poultry production in African conditions. Part of this training was also executed by another alumnus from Burkina Faso. “It does make it easier if we have a link with the people we will train. If it is for example an alumni that told the applicants to hand in their request at NUFFIC, we know that the trainees are really open to our input and that the alumni thinks it will be a good fit. And we also sometimes get these alumni involved with the trainings, which makes it even better.”

Aeres Training Centre International

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