1995 – In 1995 the school celebrated 25 years of international education. On the picture we see guests that are transported by horses and carriages.

2017 – Taking a big leap in time brings us to 2017, when PTC+ continues under the name of Aeres Training Centre. In the past years students from The Netherlands and countless countries all over the world have been educated in Barneveld. But the education does not only take place here. Instructors and teachers travel all over the world to spread knowledge and teach trainers, up until today!
2000 – Another merger happened in this year. IPC Plant and IPC Animal continue together under the name ‘PTC+’. PTC stands for Practical Training Centre and the plus sign emphasises the added value delivered by every PTC training programme.

1996 – Another important visit, from a Chinese minister of Agriculture.
1996 – This year a very special guest visited the school. The former Queen of the Netherlands, her royal highness Beatrix van Oranje visited the school. Students dressed up in their traditional clothes and shook her hand.
1993 – Various centres and colleges began merging. The practical centres in Oenkerk, Barneveld and Horst merged into a new, independent organisation called IPC Animal. IPC stands for Innovation and Practical Centre.

1986 – We remain in 1986 for a while. The praktijkschool was closely involved with plans from the Chinese government to improve agriculture and farming in the country. Therefor the Chinese minister for Agriculture visited the school in this year.

1986 – The practical centres in Barneveld and Ede merged together under the name of Barneveld College. The picture was taken at a symposium in honour of the 25th anniversary of the school.
1972 – In the following years the practical centres began to flourish and literally expanded their horizon. In 1972 the practical centre in Barneveld started offering education for international participants. In the picture you see some of the very first international students.
1961 – The history of Aeres TCI begins shortly after World War I, when the Dutch government wanted to ensure the Netherlands had an autonomous food supply. This meant accelerating the mechanisation of agriculture and the intensification of the livestock industry in order to increase output quickly. Because it would be too expensive to provide each school with its own vehicles and installations, the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Supply, Sicco Mansholt, decided to establish agrarian practical training centre. In total eleven practical centers were created. The ‘praktijkschool’ for pigs and poultry farming in Barneveld was created in 1961.
This year Aeres Training Centre International celebrates its 50th anniversary. Of the past years great things have been accomplished. Let’s take a trip down memory lane together.

1995 – In 1995 the school celebrated 25 years of international education. On the picture we see guests that are transported by horses and carriages.

2017 – Taking a big leap in time brings us to 2017, when PTC+ continues under the name of Aeres Training Centre. In the past years students from The Netherlands and countless countries all over the world have been educated in Barneveld. But the education does not only take place here. Instructors and teachers travel all over the world to spread knowledge and teach trainers, up until today!
2000 – Another merger happened in this year. IPC Plant and IPC Animal continue together under the name ‘PTC+’. PTC stands for Practical Training Centre and the plus sign emphasises the added value delivered by every PTC training programme.

1996 – Another important visit, from a Chinese minister of Agriculture.
1996 – This year a very special guest visited the school. The former Queen of the Netherlands, her royal highness Beatrix van Oranje visited the school. Students dressed up in their traditional clothes and shook her hand.
1993 – Various centres and colleges began merging. The practical centres in Oenkerk, Barneveld and Horst merged into a new, independent organisation called IPC Animal. IPC stands for Innovation and Practical Centre.

1986 – The practical centres in Barneveld and Ede merged together under the name of Barneveld College. The picture was taken at a symposium in honour of the 25th anniversary of the school.

1986 – We remain in 1986 for a while. The praktijkschool was closely involved with plans from the Chinese government to improve agriculture and farming in the country. Therefor the Chinese minister for Agriculture visited the school in this year.
1972 – In the following years the practical centres began to flourish and literally expanded their horizon. In 1972 the practical centre in Barneveld started offering education for international participants. In the picture you see some of the very first international students.
1961 – The history of Aeres TCI begins shortly after World War I, when the Dutch government wanted to ensure the Netherlands had an autonomous food supply. This meant accelerating the mechanisation of agriculture and the intensification of the livestock industry in order to increase output quickly. Because it would be too expensive to provide each school with its own vehicles and installations, the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Supply, Sicco Mansholt, decided to establish agrarian practical training centre. In total eleven practical centers were created. The ‘praktijkschool’ for pigs and poultry farming in Barneveld was created in 1961.
This year Aeres Training Centre International celebrates its 50th anniversary. Of the past years great things have been accomplished. Let’s take a trip down memory lane together.